13 Ways To Put Your Mac To Sleep

2022年11月2日—ChooseacornerandsetittoPutDisplayToSleep.Youcanholdamodifierkey,likeCommand,whensettingthis,sothenitwouldrequire ...,2020年1月22日—Command/Control+Shift+Powerbuttonnotworking(thereisnoejectbutton).Pressingpowerbuttonfor1.5secondsdoe...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How Do I Make a Keyboard Shortcut To Put My iMac To ...

2022年11月2日 — Choose a corner and set it to Put Display To Sleep. You can hold a modifier key, like Command, when setting this, so then it would require ...

Keyboard shortcut to put it to sleep?

2020年1月22日 — Command/Control + Shift + Power button not working (there is no eject button). Pressing power button for 1.5 seconds doesn't cut it.

Lock or Sleep a Mac

2. Shortcut: Sleep · Command + Option + Eject - or - on a Retina MacBook (with no eject key): · Command + Option + Power.

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts for Sleep, log out, and shut down ...

2023年2月19日 — Power button: Press to turn on your Mac or wake it from sleep. Press and hold for 1.5 seconds to put your Mac to sleep.

Put your Mac to sleep or wake it

If you have the option on your keyboard, press Option-Command-Media Eject key . ... Wake your Mac from sleep. To wake your Mac, do any of the following: Press a ...

Shortcut key to make my macbook sleep? [duplicate]

2014年1月13日 — Also, it's possible to hold down the Power key for 1.5 seconds and then select from a menu if you want to Sleep, Restart or Power off. You can ...

Sleep keyboard shortcut on M1 MacBook Pro

2020年11月19日 — The Ctrl + Shift + Power shortcut to put the computer to sleep does not work on the M1 MacBook Pro (assuming that the Touch ID button replaces ...

The Mac Sleep Shortcut (How to Put a Mac to Sleep)

2024年1月5日 — Sleep Using the Command Line · Open a Terminal prompt. · Type pmset sleepnow copy . · Press Enter . How to put a Mac to sleep using the Terminal ...


2022年11月2日—ChooseacornerandsetittoPutDisplayToSleep.Youcanholdamodifierkey,likeCommand,whensettingthis,sothenitwouldrequire ...,2020年1月22日—Command/Control+Shift+Powerbuttonnotworking(thereisnoejectbutton).Pressingpowerbuttonfor1.5secondsdoesn'tcutit.,2.Shortcut:Sleep·Command+Option+Eject-or-onaRetinaMacBook(withnoejectkey):·Command+Option+Power.,,2023年2月19日—Powerbutton:Presstoturnonyo...